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  • and John Moss, and Senators Mansfield, Russell Long and Robert Byrd. The President opened the meeting as king if there was anything to report on the Continuing Resolution. Senator Mansfield said that they met today. The President asked about the D. C. Bill
  • ^and^most i n t e r ­ fa c t that IS g o in g down to b e the p o s s i b i l i t y of e x p o r t i n g p o s s i b i l i t y of f i n d i n g oil^ w h ic h i s the King when he lea ves the p e r s o n a l guest of of Houston who has v i s i t e d
  • of the British parl iamentary system in \'/hich the executive branch, the agent of the king was kept out of the meetings. t votes or something. I think we got thirteen But Lyndon was very mad about it, he never did come. G: He regarded it as a defeat, I